Assignment (circles ws) Q1 - 9 by Monday
Math File(Orange arch) with the content page (shared on google doc from Mr Wee)
Math Plane Geo Pg 6 (Hw Qn1 - 4) on foolscap by Monday
Circles ws
*Math remedial on Monday (Free For All)
*There will be Coordinate Geo test next monday and 4 tests on statistics the following 4 days.
Self studying for chemistry with the ws that was given and other resources shared today,
Physics wb ws 17 on current electricity by next Monday.
Social Studies
Case Study ws ( SBCS 4.1.3 ) by next Monday
Correction Ws on diagnostic test by tomorrow
Corrections of Diagnostic Test
Hand in all the weekly ws that you was overdue to Jovan ASAP.
视而不见 - There but did not notice or see
次以为常 - Take it for granted
不务正业 - Not having a proper job or not concern of ones responsibilities
不胜枚举 - Too much to count